Trojan Horse Antiques & Collectibles
Following are the current sales, discounts or specials we are offering.
See the notes below for restrictions. if you have questions.
TEAPOTS: Buy any regularly priced porcelain teapot over $100 value excluding postage, or any combination of items over $100 (as long as at least one is a teapot) and you will receive a Cardew Tiny teapot of our choice absolutely FREE. You must to request your free tiny teapot at the time the order is placed. To receive this item free, it must be shipped with your order, or you can pay $4 postage to have it mailed to someone else if you prefer. if you have questions about this special.
** Specials, Discounts & Sale Restrictions:
Discounts not available on previously ordered items, layaways, auction or off-site purchases. |
Special offers may not be combined with one another, i.e. no double discounts. |
We reserve the right to discontinue specials for any reason, at any time, at our discretion. |
Discounts available via e-mail only -- the shopping cart cannot be used for special pricing. |
Shipping costs are not included in discounts, unless specifically stated. |
All item prices subject to change without prior notice. |
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Trojan Horse Antiques & Collectibles
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