That's One BIG Puppy! (June 18, 2004)
Once Darby, puppy number four, was safely in the hands of the GDA trainers, it was only a matter of time before the call came asking if we wanted to raise another dog. The answer was, of course, YES. We were especially excited that we would be receiving a baby this time, after the challenge of three "re-home" dogs in a row. ("Re-home" is the term the school uses to describe puppies-in-training that are raised in multiple homes, usually due to behavioral problems.) So, on Friday, June 18th, Bill picked up puppy number five..... a stocky, 9-week old, 17 pound black Lab named Winston.
Our new boy is as cute as a button, and is showing signs of being rather smart. Within 24 hours he was adjusting well to the leash, and had already learned that getting to the outside world was simply a matter of following a housemate through the dog door. The crate, however, is proving to be more of a challenge, as this feisty fellow has no problem vocalizing his opinion about being confined, especially at night. Thank goodness the GDA staff plans ahead for this, and sends the puppies home on Friday, so the new parents have the weekend to adjust.
Winston received the honor of having a financial sponsor, a kind lady who is donating the funds necessary to take him from puppyhood to the start of his official training. Because we are asked to provide quarterly reports to the sponsor, I certainly won't have an excuse not to add pictures and stories to his web pages regularly.
There He Grows Again (August 18, 2004)
Today is Winston's 4 month birthday, but you'd never know it by looking at him. This laid-back puppy has the even-headed temperament of a dog much older, and, at 32 pounds, is a big strapping boy. Yesterday he attended his first obedience class.... an adult beginner's group. Winston was the youngest dog in the class, and wore his cute yellow GDA puppy bib, so he stood out in the sea of 20+ dogs. I was pleased that he remained fairly focused (especially for a pup), and did a sit/stay and down/stay as well as most of the older dogs. After class, we were approached by several people who were impressed with his skills, and wanted to know how old he was. Needless to say, there were surprised to find out he is only four months old. Yep, momma was proud.
I attribute most of Winston's behavior to his superior breeding, as he is easy-going and quick to learn. He has been housebroken for weeks, and, for the most part, limits his chewing to his puppy toys. (I say mostly because he loves sticks from the field, and has been known to pick up stray socks.) He has natural retriever tendencies and brings us everything he finds. The best part is that he instinctively puts them right into your hand, so the Drop It command was a cinch. Because Winston goes with me to work every day (we own a self-serve dog wash called Canine Creek), and have a large pack of our own, he is rarely dog distracted in public. I am also happy to report that Winston has already been to work with his dad at the Rite Aid distribution center warehouse, and he is the youngest of our puppies to do so. Other than one little back-rolling "GRRRUFF" in a meeting, I hear he did well. Nothing like a little puppy humor to lighten the mood of a staff meeting.
Now that Winston is old enough to experience the world at canine-level (rather than from mom's arms), he is looking forward to more real-world experiences. So far we know that he is not afraid of motorcycles, trains, or automatic doors. He has met, and shows relatively little interest in, horses, cats, and rabbits. Winston has been to church, the gym, and out shopping. He rides very nicely in the car, behaves well in restaurants, stands quietly for a bath, and is polite when he meets strangers. So far, so good!

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"Winston's Page" ~ Dedicated to Guide Dogs of America