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Our Sweet, Smart Boy (February, 2005)

Is this a handsome face, or what?  You would never know from these photos that Winston is a high energy boy at home with his pals.  In public, wearing his GDA jacket, Winston is the ultimate puppy-in-training..... well behaved, quiet, and polite.  He is, in fact, the easiest puppy Bill and I have raised in the last 15 years.  Winston was housebroken in a flash, rarely gets into trouble, travels well, and is a pleasure to take anywhere.

Since we opened our retail dog wash business in April 2004, our pets have become the product testers of every new dog toy on the market, and there are literally dozens of them around the house.  Winston is our best dog toy salesman, as we can tell customers that everything in the shop is "Lab tested, Winston approved".  He has favorites (such as the red rubber Chewber frisbee in the photo), but doesn't mind sharing them.  He is the first dog we've had that knows each toy by name, and will retrieve the exact one you ask him to find!
In February, Winston attended the graduation our 4th GDA puppy, Darby -- a cute Female yellow Lab.  Because we were sitting in the front row, where puppies-in-training are not allowed during the ceremony, Winston was passed off to others in the crowd.  During the hour or so that we were occupied, we saw Winston with at least two or three different people.  It was nice to see that he was calm and obedient while being handled by strangers.
Winston was turned in to the GDA kennel in mid February for his 10-month evaluation.  It was his first time boarding, but he handled it well, and came back to us happy.  The trainers told us that Winston was one of the best in his litter, and that he passed his evaluation with no problems.  In fact, they liked him so much, they decided to leave him intact for now, for the possibility of using him for the breeding program in the future.  As much as we would like another dog to graduate, I have to admit it might be nice to have Winston stay with us.  He sure would make some nice puppies!

Where Does The Time Go? (June 2005)

There are no two ways around it…. Winston has grown into a confident “man dog”.  He has the swagger of a boy who knows who he is, and has no fear, yet is gentle and kind at the same time.  Working in a dog wash 6 days a week, Winston has met literally hundreds of dogs of all sizes, personality types and volume levels.  No matter what chaos may reign at the tubs, Winston can usually be found gnawing a bone or curled up asleep on his pillow.  But, when customers and their fur-children approach the counter, Winston loves to greet them and will, more often than not, happily push one of his toys out through the gate slats to share with his new-found friends.

In May, Winston was the honored guest of Mrs. Hinkle’s second grade class at Cummings Valley Elementary School.  I was invited, for the third year in a row, to talk to the kids about guide dogs, puppy raising, and helping others by donating time to charity.  The children loved the GDA video (especially the part with the puppies), and they were enthralled with Winston, who bravely ignored the post-lunch crumbs on the carpet and the Cockatiel that sat on the teacher’s shoulder.  After I spoke to the kids, I removed Winston’s puppy jacket so he could endure dozens of belly rubs before saying goodbye.  That was, of course, his favorite part of the visit.

As a puppy raiser, you hope that you’re doing all the right things to make your dog “perfect”.  As we go about town, there are plenty of situations where your dog needs correcting, so he understands his job and does it right.  On a recent shopping trip to Bakersfield, Winston had an opportunity to show off what he has learned over the past year.  When we stopped into a dog boutique, Winston was met at the door by two tiny, high-energy dogs zooming about the store off-leash -- a Miniature Pincher, and a Yorkie puppy.  As these encounters can be challenging for any dog, I was not sure how Winston would handle it, so I put him in a down/stay.  As it turns out, I had no reason to be concerned.  Winston won the instant admiration of the other customers as he calmly watched the activity.  His only reaction was a slow, sweeping tail wag, in spite of being tormented by the cute female Yorkie, who bit Winston’s tail, ran circles around him, and repeatedly licked his face.  Given the fact that he is an intact male, I was shocked at his composure and, needless to say, I was one proud dog mom.

Winston Hits The Road (September 2005)

This quarter Winston went to work.  Prior to heading off to Puppy College to become a Guide Dog he wanted to see what the rest of the working world was like.  He spent much of the time either at the Dog Wash helping Mom keep all those dirty dogs in line or with Dad going to the office to keep the Rite Aid Pharmacies Distribution Network running efficiently.


The highlight of his work experience was a business trip to Sacramento with Dad.  Like all of us these days, he had to take off everything metal, including his collar, to walk through the metal detectors. He made a big splash with the airport security officers when he walked through by voice command, stopping and sitting quietly on the other side to wait for Dad.


His first flight was on a small prop plane from Bakersfield to Los Angeles.  He went up the small flight of stairs built into the door like a champ, but like most of us he was not thrilled with the legroom when he found his seat!

He had no problems with the noisy take-off and was asleep on the floor under Dad's seat halfway through the short flight to LA.  He liked his second flight much better as he was introduced to First Class legroom and even had his own seat.  Needless to say after a little Evian prior to departure, he was laid out flat and asleep by the time the plane left the ground.
Once in Sacramento he spent his days at the Distribution Center, making sure things were running smoothly.  In the evenings he took in the sites of California's capital city and especially liked walking along the boardwalks in Old Town Sacramento. 
Two more short commuter flights, boy, he sure missed that First Class legroom, and he was back home in Tehachapi to once again enjoy the somewhat slower pace of his rural life.


It was slower at least, until Hailey moved in.  Hailey, a very high energy one year old Boxer rescue that Mom & Dad brought home is now Winston's very bestest friend and constant tugging buddy.  If there is a toy to be found in the house they will each find an end of it and tug... for hours.  She is definitely keeping him in tip top shape to become a Guide Dog!

Turn In Day Is Here (November 2005)

A sad day, as Winston heads off to "puppy college".  We've done our best to raise him right, and hope he does well.  Good luck Winston.  Study hard and make us proud!


Our 1st Dog Brando Our 2nd Dog Kernel Our 3rd Dog Jedi Our 4th Dog Darby Our 5th Dog Winston

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Trojan Horse Antiques & Collectibles
"Winston's Page" ~ Dedicated to Guide Dogs of America

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