A German Shepherd comes to Almosta Ranch......
August 2002 ~ Introducing Jedi the Wonder Pup
Would you believe this huge puppy is only 4 months old? The photo at left was taken on the afternoon we picked Jedi up from the Guide Dogs of America campus. Even after a full day at school and a 2 hour car ride home, he was still ready to take on the challenge of meeting the rest of our pack. And, since there are FIVE of them to contend with, that was no small feat. He adjusted easily to his new surroundings and, in fact, seemed quite fearless. In no time at all he was following the other dogs through our Dane size doggie door, and off he went to explore the 1 acre dog yard. Gosh, and I was hoping he'd want to be a "momma's boy". Oh well.
What's In A Name? EVERYTHING, when you're a sponsored dog!
In case you were wondering...... Yes, Jedi was named for the Star Wars movies. What's even better, he received that name because his entire upbringing and training will be paid for through the GDA puppy sponsorship program. His generous sponsor is none other than Mr. Rupert Murdoch of 20th Century Fox, the movie studio that produced the Star Wars films. Pretty cool, huh?! Since he is a sponsored dog (unlike our others) we are responsible for keeping a journal of the dog's progress, as well as providing photos to the sponsor. So.... rest assured there will be more Jedi pages to come as he grows. Please visit Jedi's page regularly to see how he's doing and cheer him on as he travels the road to becoming a guide dog.

Dog Tired
After a long day and lots of play time with the rest of our crew, Jedi settled right in to his new home environment. Think he figured out where dinner is served? Poor guy held out as long as he could, but finally passed out cold with his head IN this empty dog dish. By the time I grabbed the camera he had adjusted to the more practical position you see him in here. I didn't have the heart to tell him it would be 12 hours until breakfast time. Come to think of it, he was so tired I don't think he even noticed. ZZZZZZZZZ
Jedi's Story Continues..... click the link below to visit Page 2

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"Jedi's Page" ~ Dedicated to Guide Dogs of America